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cartref > Transactions > Volume 19 - 2013 > Major Gwilym Lloyd-George as Minister of Fuel and Power, 1942–1945

Major Gwilym Lloyd-George as Minister of Fuel and Power, 1942–1945

Among the papers of A. J. Sylvester (1889–1989), Principal Private Secretary to David Lloyd George from 1923 until 1945, purchased by the National Library of Wales in 1990, are two documents of considerable interest, both dating from December 1943, relating to Major Gwilym Lloyd-George, the independent Liberal Member for the Pembrokeshire constituency and the second son of David and Dame Margaret Lloyd George. At the time, Gwilym Lloyd-George was serving as the generally highly-regarded Minister for Fuel and Power in the wartime coalition government led by Winston Churchill. The rst is a letter, probably written by David Serpell, who then held the position of private secretary to Lloyd-George at the Ministry of Fuel and Power (and who was a warm admirer of him), to A. J. Sylvester.1 It reads as follows:


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