A word of introduction from Siân Wyn Siencyn
On March 23, 2020, Illtud Daniel, the Keeper of Manuscripts in the National Library of Wales put up a link on the Library’s website to a paper published in two parts in Y Gwyddonydd (The Scientist), vol. 22.1 and 22.2 (1984), pp. 18–21 and pp. 60–62, by Gwilym Wynne Griffith. Daniel considered this to be both interesting and timely. I was naturally thrilled to see this reference to my father’s lecture, delivered as the Annual Lecture of the National Scientific Society at the National Eisteddfod in Llangefni in 1983. It is indeed a timely lecture – delivered almost 40 years ago – on a subject that is so relevant to the awful pandemic of coronavirus we are seeing now. The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol will be including it in their bank of resources for students. I thought others in the family – and beyond – might like to read it so, I have translated it here on his behalf. I am no scientist; if any of the terms have been mis-translated, it is my fault entirely. I owe thanks to Rhys, Gwilym’s grandson, my nephew, for adapting the graphs and for tweeting the published lecture in the first place @RhysCaerdydd.
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